SuperYoutour is (was) an artistic team, aiming to discover new theater forms, exploring the expressive potential of a current strong body-space relationship. It is (was) committed to expand the borders of contemporary dance, while questioning it as an-all-around articulated theater format. Determined to address present communication streams, SuperYoutour is interested in the value and justification of performance nowadays.
Liron Dinovitz – Israel\Deutschland
Künstlerische Leitung, Tänzerin BA, Choreographin MA
Martina Lebert – Deutschland
Künstlerische Leitung, Dipl. Bühnen/Kostümbildnerin
Konrad Behr – Deutschland
Medienkünstler, Sound design, Video, Foto, Web
Valentin Schmehl – Deutschland
Dramaturgie, Schauspiel, Tanz, Gesang
Nicole Wytyczak – Deutschland/Polen
Kostüm- und Bühenenbild
SuperYoutour: Re-visit
SuperYoutour: Guests (Trailer)
SuperYoutour: mashed potato (Trailer)
SuperYoutour: The morning after… (Trailer)
More Videos at https://vimeo.com/superyoutour