Klangkomposition für Calling For The Others – Vartiosaari

2. September 2017

Zusammenarbeit mit:

Mari Keski-Korsu (Concept and Production)
Grit Ruhland (Concept and Production)
Veera Voima (Vocal part)

Fortführung des Projektes Calling For The Others in Malmö (Schweden).

Produced for Arts in the Environment Nordic Symposium Vartiosaari, Finnland

Calling for the Others is a participatory and interdisciplinary project that seeks ways to establish a communication with kinds of others. It’s inspired by the traditional cattle calling, joik, jodling and throat singing. The others who are called, could be cattle or any members of flora & fauna, other entities and everything in between (i.e technology). The aim is to seek balanced connections on the ecosystem we live within and activate the collective intelligence trough synchronized, together planned actions that can be sound, movement or meditation based. Calling for the Others emphasises the understanding of the human species: we are humans and that is our perspective – but trough empathy, it is possible to understand and identify with the others;
